Medical Supplies and Equipment AmzGroup



Duro-Med DMI Lightweight Adjustable Seat Height Aluminum Rollator Walker with Cushioned Backrest, Hand Brakes, Flip-Up Seat and Front Swivel Wheels, Burgundy





Getting around has never been easier with this adjustable rollator walker from DMI. Its innovative design offers excellent support, safety and durability and meets all of your personal needs. This stylish rollator comes complete with a cushioned flip-up seat and backrest that provide great comfort after you are done walking. Very easy to maneuver and turn with its 8-inch swivel front wheels! Easy to assemble!

Increase safety and stability. Equipped with convenient bicycle-style hand brakes to help you ease to a complete stop as you walk. Locking mechanism keeps your rollator firmly in place when not in use.

Always a custom fit. Feel free to adjust the height of the seat and handles to meet your personal needs.Flip-up cushion seat size: 12 x 14 ?? inches,Seat height: 33 ?? to 38 ?? inches

Features a handy storage pouch to keep all of your personal belongings. Ideal for shopping! Great for holding things such as your glasses, medicine and books.

Weight capacity: 250 pounds

Video Review Duro-Med DMI Lightweight Adjustable Seat Height Aluminum Rollator Walker with Cushioned Backrest, Hand Brakes, Flip-Up Seat and Front Swivel Wheels, Burgundy