Medical Supplies and Equipment AmzGroup



DMI Convoluted Foam Chair Pad Seat and Wheelchair Cushion with Plaid Cover, 16 x 18 x 4 inches





PROVIDES COMFORT AND SUPPORT for those who sit for long periods of time. Helps reduce pressure on your back and tailbone.

MEDICAL-GRADE, SCULPTED, EGG-CRATE FOAM helps reduce or heal pressure sores and takes weight off sensitive areas

GREAT FOR USING ON REGULAR CHAIRS, WHEELCHAIRS OR RECLINERS. The convoluted surface helps with weight distribution and air circulation to give you a comfortable experience.

EXCELLENT SUPPORT AND COMFORT AFTER SURGERY OR INJURIES. This cushion is a great gift for your loved ones or patients.

SIZE: 16 x 18 x 4 inches

Video Review DMI Convoluted Foam Chair Pad Seat and Wheelchair Cushion with Plaid Cover, 16 x 18 x 4 inches